Borislav Dimitrov


The main objective behind implementing customisable receipts was to enable merchants to manage this feature independently. In the initial month following the launch of the MVP, we were thrilled to observe a significant reduction of 50% in the number of customer support cases related to customising receipts. This achievement highlighted the effectiveness of our efforts in simplifying the process of receipt customisation for merchants, ultimately resulting in heightened customer satisfaction.
Customisable receipts
2019 - 2020
Below are some of the key findings from our UX research and design validation prior development.
This represented a personal initiative wherein a colleague designer and I collaborated to refine our Figma library, aiming to enhance the operational efficiency of the entire design team.
Circuit UI Components library
2019 - 2020
I was deeply involved in conducting UX research for each product feature that my team and I were working on. Back in November 2019, we undertook a major initiative that entailed conducting in-person interviews. These interviews covered the entirety of our domain, allowing us to gain comprehensive insights. I extended invitations to developers and other team members, enabling them to connect and acquire a more profound understanding of our merchants' perspectives and requirements.
UX research
2019 - 2020
Below is how we usually executed UX interviews and design validation for our main country markets.